
The Record-breaking Quarterback

Integrated Delivery Network (IDN) Team, Mindray North America


The Integrated Delivery Network (IDN) team led by Scott Dalebout calls themselves the quarterback of Mindray North America. Like the strategic role in American football, the team members successfully coordinate and drive regional sales activities. Being a unique sales unit, they do not sell the product directly; their aim is to win sales opportunities and build brand awareness. They do not visit every clinical space – they work through executive-level conversations and business interactions with IDNs. Their goal is to spread Mindray technology and services based on their deep understanding of the American health system. We invited the team members to tell us how they contribute to and benefit from the platform and the team.

The keyword for our team is entrepreneurship. As a group, we establish new things and develop new business from the ground up. Our people take their belief in Mindray’s vision and mission, and bring their talents and experience to contribute and participate in the team’s success.
Scott Dalebout,
National Director, IDN and Strategic Accounts
30 years of healthcare industry experience,
joined Mindray in 2015, IDN team leader from 2017
I won a 10-year sole source contract with Christus Health System, which is a 37-hospital system running across 3 states divided into 9 regions. They have been bringing healthcare to under-served communities for more than 120 years. Over the last 5 years it has produced $52 million for Mindray North America including product purchases from patient monitoring to anesthesia machines and point of care ultrasound machines. This is the biggest win so far for IDN and Mindray North America as a whole.

In the middle of the 2020 pandemic, this customer encountered the huge challenge of facility shortages. We managed to install $12 million worth of equipment in a very short space of time to help them. It’s a successful fulfillment of our promise to customers. Moreover, Mindray is also bringing accessible healthcare to more people through their practices.
Natasha Rudis,
IDN Strategic Account Manager – South Central
21 years of medical sales experience,
joined Mindray in 2016
To influence C-level administrations in IDN, our approach must be professional, collaborative and strategic. From my previous experience I’ve got knowledge of the local health system and related product lines, but selling into IDN spaces tested my strengths in many different ways. I think we’ve really done a very good job developing our brand here in North America.

Due to the pandemic, we have most of our conversations with customers virtually. It is quite challenging to build trust through the internet. Some customers were in desperate need of medical devices, and panicking about their ability to cope with the virus. We were working 12 hours a day to help them get through that period. Our clinical service team installed, tested, got the equipment running, and educated hospital staff in a short time frame. To avoid infection, some colleagues even stayed in an RV near customers for three months. It really just brought the spirit of humanity to light. Although there are still challenges ahead, we have confidence that we will achieve a lot more with this great team.
Heidi Nizolek,
IDN Strategic Account Manager – North East
26 years of healthcare industry experience,
joined the IDN team in 2017
In recent years, I've never seen an organization that has so many new generations of products in such a short time span. It's what attracted me to the company in the first place. There is always something new and exciting to push me forward.
Geoffrey Rohrer,
IDN Strategic Account Manager – South West
18 years of healthcare industry experience,
joined the IDN team in 2019
We’re a fast paced, customer-centric group of people, bringing Mindray’s disruptive & evolutionary technologies to customers. I hope to become a trusted adviser to my customers, then win more strategic partnerships.
Kelly Bartz,
IDN Strategic Account Manager, Mid West
25 years of medical imaging & ultrasound sales experience,
joined the IDN team in 2020
I had the opportunity to start my own medical service company earlier on in my career, and here I feel like everyone has this same entrepreneurial spirit. We are growing business by developing collaborations with different teams, with the aim of opening up new pathways for Mindray. A lot of the time our customers haven’t heard of Mindray, so it actually is challenging and fun to win business.
Rolando Nunez,
Strategic Account Manager – South East
25 years of medical device sales experience,
joined the IDN team in 2017
Collaborating is our number one goal, because we cannot do IDN business individually. We have to hunt as a pack.
Kimberly Fox,
IDN Strategic Account Manager – Mid South
8 years of healthcare industry experience,
joined the IDN team in 2020
My role is to enable different modalities and connectivity across systems using the IT space. I used to be a registered nurse, then became certified in clinical informatics. So, I understand what clinicians and IT personnel have to live through every day. The ways we can help them using Mindray technology is just incredible.
Mark Colizza,
Interoperability Solutions Architect
36 years of healthcare industry experience,
joined Mindray in 2019
Mark and I support not only the IDN team, but also the regional sales team. We can see how they are quarterbacking the whole business with strategy. Many team members have more than 20 years’ expertise in everything from the healthcare system to medical devices, from technology to the supply chain. That knowledge and an entrepreneurial mindset ensure we continue to grow as a team.
Allen Enebo,
Interoperability Solutions Architect
25 years of healthcare technology experience,
joined Mindray in 2018
IDN Team at Utah Olympic Park
IDN Team receiving performance awards at Mindray North America