
Modern life relies increasingly on the convenience brought by digitization, which is also true in the medical field. With an increasing population, health information technology (health IT) is becoming more prominent, which facilitates the building of smart hospitals. The connected technology allows us to integrate diverse and disparate clinical data for better care quality and accurate diagnosis.

Digital Transformation of Hospitals

M-Connect covers acute, anesthesia and general care, as well as other clinical departments, integrating a variety of bedside data that transcends barriers of information transfer between departments in order to "connect infinite possibilities" in hospitals

“Horizontal and vertical” interconnection

‘horizontal’ connection refers to the interconnection between patient-centered devices, while ‘vertical’ connection refers to the interconnection between devices and information systems.

Always available for medical staff

Equipment data and the information system are summarized on the same terminal. Whether inside or outside the ward, department, hospital, or even in other hospitals, medical staff can view real-time patient information through various terminals to help safeguard patient safety and assist clinical decision-making.

Always available for patients

From pre-hospital first aid to in-hospital transfer and then to postoperative movement etc., M Connect IT Solution supports seamless transportation of patient data.

Big data research

the M Connect IT Solution connects data from all bedside devices, patient consultation etc., complementing and organically integrating with existing clinical data to enhance research.

The 3rd party
information system







Bedside devices

Transportation patient monitor

Bedside patient monitor



Infusion pump


Digitalization Reshaping the Perioperative Care in
Bochum, Germany

Augusta-Bochum-Mitte Hospital

M-Connect IT solution for OR

Receiving over 16,000 patients and 20,000 visits every year, Augusta-Bochum-Mitte Hospital is one of the most important healthcare providers in Bochum, serving the local people with high-quality patient care, and constantly developing its capabilities along with the city.

In 2015, Augusta-Bochum-Mitte Hospital launched a construction project aiming to build the new modern operating rooms. With one floor of state-of-the-art operating theaters added, the hospital expanded the central operating theaters. In order to cope with the new challenges, the hospital adopted Mindray’s M-Connect IT Solution.

The efficient workflow

Smart ICU: Behind the “3-Zero Miracle”
of FAHZU in the COVID-19 Pandemic

The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine

M-Connect IT solution for ICU

FAHZU is the first and most important provincial hospital designated for emergency medical treatment of COVID-19 in Zhejiang Province, China. Since the outbreak, FAHZU Zhijiang Campus, was designated to take in the most severe cases in the region.

Medical staff can access patient information on the terminals in the doctors ‘or nurses’ offices and on MobileViewer for smart phones

Despite 75.2% of the infected patients admitted to FAHZU Zhijiang Campus during the outbreak being critical or severe cases, the hospital achieved zero infections amongst medical staff, zero suspected cases missed, and zero COVID-19 patient deaths. What helped them achieve it?

The number of beds in the ICU of FAHZU, as well as the workload of medical staff, has increased rapidly

4  campuses
8  wards
176  beds
November 2019 to present ICU beds increased by 102 (an increase of 138%)
Professor Cai Hongliu

Who works in the ICU of FAHZU

M-Connect and the smart ICU systems will greatly improve the quality and efficiency of medical care.
Better Living Quality for Intensive Care

CHU de Toulouse

M-Connect IT solution for ICU

Innovative M-Connect IT solution works in harmony with CHU de Toulouse

As the largest premier reference and teaching hospital in France, CHU de Toulouse experimented with some of the most pioneering approaches to improve life in ICU. These include inviting musicians to play classical music in the care area every week to ease patients in and reduce caregiver burnout. When asked about the one thing that improves life quality the most, caregivers at CHU de Toulouse told us: the use of modern connected technology.

Dr.Beatrice Riu

Consultant of ICU CHU de Toulouse

I'm not talking about standard parameters found in all monitoring systems, but what we look for in ICU. These all play a part in our decision to choose Mindray.

Senior Biomedical Engineer CHU de Toulouse

The major strength of this installation is that the BeneVision WorkStations become multi-disciplinary spaces and the cubicles become proper quiet spaces for patients to recover in the best possible way.
Connected NEWS2 E-vital Signs Save Lives

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust?in the UK

M-Connect IT solution for general care

One of the UK’s first fully integrated digital National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) installations has been successfully rolled out with Mindray’s vital signs technology, which helps speed up detection of deterioration at the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – ultimately saving lives.

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is one of the first hospitals to have used digital technology to implement a new national standard designed to help improve patient safety.

Vicky Burton

Clinical Lead and Critical Care Outreach Practitioner, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

We have been extremely well supported by the Mindray team throughout this work. Mindray has listened to our suggestions and incorporated our ideas into the software to provide a complete NEWS2 setup with all the needs required the Trust.
Janet Young

Head of Digital Programme Delivery Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Our system has now been live since March and we have some very positive statistics to show its usage and the benefits it is already giving to supporting patient safety and care. This project has been a great collaboration between the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and the team at Mindray. We really couldn’t have made this happen without this full team effort.